Home Ecology of Flowers Study

30 November 2012
Grower News

Living with Flowers Strengthens Feelings of Compassion, and Decreases Anxiety and Worry

With people’s desire for tranquillity and stress relief stronger than ever, fresh research took an insightful look at flowers and the important role they may play in our daily lives. A behavioural research study conducted by Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, reveals that flowers in the home:

  • Feed compassion. Study participants who lived with fresh cut flowers for less than a week felt an increase
    in feelings of compassion and kindness for others.
  • Chase away anxieties, worries and 'the blues' at home.
  • People felt less negative after being around flowers at home for just a few days.

Participants most frequently placed flowers in their kitchens, dining rooms and living rooms, where they spend a lot of time at home. They reported wanting to see the blooms first thing in the morning.

According to this study, living with flowers can provide a boost of energy, happiness and enthusiasm at work.